How does hemorrhoid potency in men the relationship

The disease brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort, but in addition it affects the reproductive system. How are hemorrhoids and potency, hemorrhoid can affect the potency and improvement of the chances men cure are the main issues addressed in the article.

potency in men

There is a link between the hemorrhoids and the potency?

Current question: "hemorrhoids in men into power?", as a quality of sexual life is an important part of the whole life of the man. According to some experts, the presence of hemorrhoids is reflection on men sexual health. In fact, the negative effects that actually occur.

During the appearance of hemorrhoids their effect on the body and the discomfort that goes unnoticed. Negative feelings are written off as at least the surrounding factors: "past", "malnourished" or hope to solve the problem. In this stage, the man does not feel any effect of the hemorrhoid of the power, which is able to fully sexually active. During aggravation of an inflammatory reaction there is a tangible pain that you can't tolerate.

In the process of sex involves the perineum and the groin. The appearance of hemorrhoidal disease progresses the pain as muscle tension. This phenomenon inevitably leads to psycho-emotional impact on the health of men. Because of the pain comes from the degradation of an erection and decreased libido. Sometimes it comes down to the total elimination of the erection.

In addition, the disease reduces the immune system and affect other organs of the system, urogenital, causing increased risk of disease. The appearance and the development of prostatitis or BPH inevitably come disorders in the human body that affect the reproductive system.

Taking into account above presented information it is easy to understand, not hemorrhoids power. His influence is very negative. Sexual act that the man did not bring the pleasure and satisfaction that causes severe discomfort. Men should not fall into depression, lethargy, power is the normal state in the presence of the disease.

How hemorrhoids affect sexual life?

Consider if the interconnected hemorrhoids and urinary system, it is necessary to gain insight into the pathological processes at the onset of the disease. The disease has an indirect effect on potency, because from the anus to the genitals of the inflammation is not transmitted.

Erection deterioration is due to negative feelings when the muscle tension of the perineum. Self libido in men is reduced, in addition to psychological impotence.

What is the impact of hemorrhoids in men if the disease does not directly affect erectile dysfunction:

problems with power
  • door pain in the process of sex, especially at the moment of orgasm;
  • leads to emotional disorders. Because of the pain a man experiences fear, tension, as we know – fear is the enemy of erection;
  • can cause disturbances in the urinary system, which involves the sexual function;
  • has a negative impact on the function of the gastrointestinal tract, is associated with constipation. The stomach and the rectum have a significant impact on all spheres of human life.

When infliction of pain during sexual relations of the man in front of the disappointment that provokes the desire to avoid the shame, the pain and bad memories. Over time, often develops the desire to avoid the sex, but the sex is sporadic and rare. The psychological side of the question plays a big role, respectively, of the abandonment of this area impossible.

It is evident that the hemorrhoids affect the potency negatively and the strength.

What actions to take to improve the potency of the hemorrhoid?

The main action recommended in all patients – this is a call to the doctor. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis of the human condition and help find a way out. For the rehabilitation of many men is enough to eliminate the pain, but on the other – you need to work with a psychologist.

All patients proctologist prescribes lifestyle changes and nutrition. Nutrition therapy for the treatment of chronic diseases is critical.

Consider these habits:

  • to add to the diet of buckwheat, fish and meat, honey, potatoes and cauliflower, use plenty of water up to 2 liters per day;
  • excluded from the diet of kale, mustard greens, legumes, peppers, spicy food and black bread.

More details of the diet will help you to the nutritionist. The nutrition should be aimed at normalizing the process of defecation, as it is important to ensure a smooth bowel movement.

An important recommendation is the compliance with high hygiene. Is frequent cleaning with cold water or wiped with a napkin wet in case the person is not at home.

Old recipes of traditional healers

The therapy of hemorrhoids is a long time, including the traditional methods. Healers have mastered a number of recipes before the advent of traditional medicine and are still using them. For risk reduction, it is advisable to consult at the proctologist. Be particularly careful if there is bleeding. The traditional methods used for 5-7 days.

Many recipes allow you to choose the appropriate option for different patients. In therapy, folk remedies are often used:

  • suppositories made of potatoes. Effective and easy to use. Fresh potato done in the anus, in the evening, and the outside cover the skin with oils of apricot;
  • onions. The medicinal influence of the onion and the juice. It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon 3 times/day;
  • apples, carrots and grapes to eat raw;
  • swallowing cloves garlic, do not have to clean up. The garlic is not absorbed completely, just goes along with the feces. How will that affect the intestine, causing damage to the tissues, with a view to a quick recovery;
  • serum. You will have 200-400 ml of 1 times a day;
  • col. It is recommended to use if there is bleeding of the hemorrhoid. It is recommended to enrich the diet of this vegetable or drinking 400 ml of brine after the boot.
means to the power

Baths of seat

The people there are many recipes for baths of seat. The most effective and popular are different:

  • bath for a couple of make a broth of onions and milk. In a pot with thick walls (preferably clay) is poured into 0.5 liters of milk, and then add 4 bulbs. The mixture is on a low heat covered with a lid. Before using the prescription of the bowel need to be cleaned in a standard enema. After the preparation has to be in the steam area of the hemorrhoids, hold over a bowl. This recipe can cure hemorrhoid for 7-10 days;
  • cold tub. In a container filled with 1 liter of water, which must be cold, but not icy. You need to take bath sitting. Duration – 1-5 minutes. To execute the reception of the bath should be 2 times a day: after and before going to sleep, for 5-7 days. To improve the therapeutic properties, you can add a few grains of manganese to make the solution pink.
  • dyeing for medicinal uses only applies if the exterior form of the disease. With the help of the plant prepares the bathroom for sedentary use within a period of 7 days. The procedure lasts 10 minutes.

By the increase of the hemorrhoid and the impossibility of reducing, preferred the its advance. To improve the use of the packages based on oats and bran. The biggest benefit comes when used in hot. If the buds break, these chips lotions of tannin in the liquid state.

To avoid the negative effects of the disease must be timely treatment, will help to restore the health of power and to prevent psychological trauma.

About how to treat hemorrhoids at home

Have you ever tried to get rid of hemorrhoids at home yourself? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article – the victory was not on their side. And, of course, you know that:

  • returns to see the blood on the paper;
  • Wake up in the morning with the thought of how to reduce the swelling of the bumps;
  • to suffer every trip to the toilet, the discomfort, itching or an unpleasant burning sensation;
  • time and time again in the hope of success, waiting with impatience the results and discomfort of the new drugs ineffective.